
Derrimut Primary School Uniform is avaliable for purchase from Academy Uniforms. 


For the uniform pricelist, please click on the link below.

Uniform Pricelist


Second Hand Uniform

Derrimut Primary School strongly encourage families to donate their children's outgrown school uniform to the school, to go into our second hand uniform shop.

Second Hand Uniforms are displayed on the clothing rail located in the school foyer and are sold for $5 per item.


State Schools Relief

State Schools' Relief helps with the cost of new school uniforms, shoes and other essential items for families who are facing hardship.

Having the same uniform and quality footwear as other students ensures that all students feel included and valued. It provides everyone, regardless of their background, with the opportunity to participate fully in schooling.

If this relates to you, please contact the school on 8361 1000.